Legal Hitory Review vol.45 (1995)
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Fumio JIMBOConcerning the Separation between Hon-kuji(Main Suits) and Kane-kuji(Money Suits)in the Civil Litigation of the Tokugawa Shogunate1
On IKEDAA Sttldy on the Tang and the Ancient Japanese Statutes on Mourning & Burial-with special reference on the difference between Tang and Japan Statutes about arrangement of provisions-39
Haruhito SADATEOn the Origin of Ren Qingilj, Human Sentiment, as Chinese Judicial Norm73
Einosuke YAMANAKARejoinder to the Anonymous Book Review107
Eiji TAKIZAWAÜber neuere Forschung zum römischen Bankwesen-A. Buerge, Fiktion und Wirklichkeit: Soziale und rechtliche Strukturen des römischen Bankwesens-113
Tokuji SATO Takeshi HAYASHI Yuzuru HASHIBA Mitsuo KUMAMARU Keizo ASAJI Toshio WADA and Kenji MITSUNARISymposium "The Participation of the People in the Junicial Process in European History"133
Reviews of Books and Articles191
News and Notes363
Summaries of Articles(in Foreign Languages)

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