Legal Hitory Review vol.44 (1994) |
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Articles |
Eiichi TAKIKAWA | Hikiainin(引合人)in the early Meiji period-From judgements of Maebashi-Shishinsaibansyo(court of firstinstance) | 1 |
Yuko YANO | A Study on 'Kenpo Bikou'(Draft of the constitutional law) written by G.E.Boissonade | 43 |
Miscellaneous |
Yoshihiro NISHIMURA | A Reconsideration of the System of Regional Law in the Later Mevieval Ages-The Case of the Ikki Clique of Lacal Feudal Lords | 97 |
Tamao YORIMATSU | L'influence du bouddhisme sur la pensée du droit moderne au Japon | 135 |
Hiroshi ASAKO Juro lWATANI | Actual Problems on Japanese Judicial Documents Management | 163 |
Book Reviews | 203 |
News and Notes | 355 |
Bibliography (1993) | |
Summaries of Articles(in Foreign Languages) |