Legal Hitory Review vol.44 (1994)
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Eiichi TAKIKAWAHikiainin(引合人)in the early Meiji period-From judgements of Maebashi-Shishinsaibansyo(court of firstinstance)1
Yuko YANOA Study on 'Kenpo Bikou'(Draft of the constitutional law) written by G.E.Boissonade43
Yoshihiro NISHIMURAA Reconsideration of the System of Regional Law in the Later Mevieval Ages-The Case of the Ikki Clique of Lacal Feudal Lords97
Tamao YORIMATSUL'influence du bouddhisme sur la pensée du droit moderne au Japon135
Hiroshi ASAKO Juro lWATANIActual Problems on Japanese Judicial Documents Management163
Book Reviews203
News and Notes355
Bibliography (1993) 
Summaries of Articles(in Foreign Languages)

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