Legal Hitory Review vol.16 (1966)
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Seiji IMABORISocial Structure of a Port Town under the Ch'ing Dynasty-On the Gild Merchant and Journeymen's Gild in Ho K'ou Chen-1
Shigeko TANABESin or Crime and Punishment in gThe Law of Manuh30
Tadao NOMURASome Analyses of the Grades of the Officials in Ancient Japan62
Toshio ICHIYANAGIAcademic Products of Soviet Historical Science relating to the antique Greek meaning "Slavery"87
Shozo KANEZASHIA Judiciary Dispute concerning the Fishery Right in Omaezaki111
Akira SUGITANISan-chi-sei (ŽOŽ”§jin the Early Meiji Era127
Professor Kuryu -man and the works-144
Book Reviews155
In Memoriam
Kazuo YadaThe late Prof. Yoshio Saeki241
Kanetomo TanakaThe late Prof. Takashi Akai245
Summaries of Articles (in Foreigh Languages)

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