Legal Hitory Review vol.62 (2012)
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Rieko UEDAAustrian Lawyers and Oral Proceeding in Civil Procedures in the LAte 1800s [ Summary ]1
Hidemitsu SUZUKIA Study on the way of the React of the Magistrate on Criminal Procedure in Quing Dynasty: As an Example of a Decision Process of the Assessment of a Case in the Robbery and Theft in "Danxindangan" [ Summary ]35
Toshio OhnukiDie Schutzformen der Zisternienserklöster im Hochmittelalter [ Summary ]85
Reviews of Books and Articles117
News and Notes312
In Memoriam
Masato NAKAMURAThe late Professor Shigeo NAKAMURA322
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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