Legal Hitory Review vol.57 (2007)
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Makoto SANOOn Max Weber's Talk on Problems of the Sociology of the State (1917)―The Sociology of the State and Four Types of Legitimate Domination―1
Toru YAMADAShomu-sata of Muromachi-Shogunate and its Change41
Takashi OGURAKamigata Regimen of the Edo Bakufu in the Later Part of the Early Modern Period: A Study of Oshioki Reiruishu 85
Kiyotaka TOBITAA Legal Historical Study of the Administrative Litigation System and its Transition in Meiji National Polity 123
Shinobu MASAMOTOBirth of a new local police force : Creation of the new Maréchaussée in Haute-Normandie 161
Kentaro MATSUBARAChinese legal history and the lineage: an overview of the scholarship of the last 50 years189
Reviews of Books and Articles213
News and Notes427
In Memoriam
Masaki TaguchiThe late Professor Takurou WADA439
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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