Legal Hitory Review vol.31 (1981)
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Ryosuke lSHIIThe Idea of Subu (Holding Together) in Japanese Legal History-with a View to its Significance in a Systematical Understanding of Japanese Legal History-1
Sadao ITOThe Enrolment of Athenian Phratries35
Kodo SAKURAIOn the Principles of Government and the Forms of the Territorial Conformation of a Hundred or More States of Ancient Japan Including Uruma States of Okinawa. Blessed of "Holy Mountains and Islands"-Illustrative Case of the State "Sufo (周防) no Kuni(国)"61
Shunichiro KOYANAGIHozumi Nobushige and the Old Civil Code of 1890105
Yukikazu BANDOWhy Do the Constitutional Studies of the "parliamentary Sovereignty" Require Historical Research?137
Rin'itsu KAWAKAMIEin Bericht aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für die europäische Rechtsgeschichte-Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der neueren rechtsgeschichtlichen Forschung in Deutschland-169
Book Reviews202
News and Notes334
In Memoriam
Koichi NAKAZAWAThe late Professor Shikazo Mori350
Bibliography (1980)352
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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