Legal Hitory Review vol.28 (1978)
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Shoichi SATOLe palais et la structure de pouvoire sous les mérovingiens du 6e siècle1
Minoru NISHIMURA Ü ber die Begrü ndung der deutschen Rechtssoziologie durch Eugen Ehrlich - in staendiger Hinsicht auf ihre geschichtlictle Lage -35
Nobuhiro UEDAOn the Principle of "FURON RIHI"(s_) in the Trials of the KAMAKURA SHOGUNATE 71
Tsutomu ARAIThe Penal Law of Political Crimes Promulgated by the Governor-General of Korea 93
Sadao KOYAMASome Trends in the Study of the Early History of the English Common Law, with special reference to the criticisms of Professors R. C. van Caenegem and S. F. C. Milsom on the classical theory of F. W. Maitland121
Book Reviews187
In Memoriam
Ikuzo OKUMURAThe late Professor Kenkichi NAITO347
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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