Legal Hitory Review vol.23 (1973)
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Masataka UWAYOKOTEAn Examination on "The Chigyo Dispute"1
Yasouwo OKUBOLes rois de France face au droit romain de Philippe-Auguste à Philippe-le-Bel29
Yuichi OHIRAOn Haishakukin 拜借金 from Edo-Bakufu 江戸幕府-A relation between the Bakufu and the Hans 藩73
Masayoshi JOJIMAÜeber "Kiriji,Kami-shihai und Ginnushi-shihai"in Saga Clan113
Suketada KUDOAn Inquiry into the Superintendent System under Baku-Han Regime_with special reference to that of Hachinohe-Han(clan) 131
Masato GOTOThe Development of Official Control over the Buraku in the Tokugawa era153
Takeshi HAYASHI179
Yoshinobu SHIBA185
Book Reviews207
In Memoriam
Kozo ShibataThe late Prof. Kenji lwata273
Bibliography (1972) 275
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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