Legal Hitory Review vol.23 (1973) |
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Articles |
Masataka UWAYOKOTE | An Examination on "The Chigyo Dispute" | 1 |
Yasouwo OKUBO | Les rois de France face au droit romain de Philippe-Auguste à Philippe-le-Bel | 29 |
Yuichi OHIRA | On Haishakukin 拜借金 from Edo-Bakufu 江戸幕府-A relation between the Bakufu and the Hans 藩 | 73 |
Masayoshi JOJIMA | Üeber "Kiriji,Kami-shihai und Ginnushi-shihai"in Saga Clan | 113 |
Suketada KUDO | An Inquiry into the Superintendent System under Baku-Han Regime_with special reference to that of Hachinohe-Han(clan) | 131 |
Masato GOTO | The Development of Official Control over the Buraku in the Tokugawa era | 153 |
Miscellaneous |
Takeshi HAYASHI | 179 |
Yoshinobu SHIBA | 185 |
Book Reviews | 207 |
Notes | 265 |
In Memoriam |
Kozo Shibata | The late Prof. Kenji lwata | 273 |
Bibliography (1972) | 275 |
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages) |