Legal Hitory Review vol.11 (1961)
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Tadao NOMURABureaucrats of Ancient Japan ; System of Evaluation of their Duties and Promation of Official Rank1
Kaizaburo HINOThe Four Basic Principles of The Biannual Tax System 「両税法」40
Masasuke ISHIBEMaritin Luther's Theory of Divorce78
Shozo KANAZASHIOn the Adjudication of Disappearence in the Aki Clan-government119
Akira SUGITANIAdministrative Reform of a Feudal System in the Early Years of the Meiji Era: on the“Minsei-Sikumisho”「民政仕組書」by Simpei Eto147
Shuzo SHIGASupplementary Argument on the Chapter-titles of the Wei Code: Reply to Prof. Tomoo Uchida's Remarks 163
Masataka UWAYOKOTEThe Recent Approaches to the Period of the Formation of Kamakura Government175
Tomoo MUTOA Note of my Stay in Itary201
Book Reviews217
Summaries of Articles (in Foreigh Languages)

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