Legal Hitory Review vol.01 (1951)
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Kaoru NakadaOpinion on the old Japanese Law-Including Some Views on chinese Legal History
Keikichi HaradaA Sumerian Record of Criminal Procedure
Noboru NiidaHistory of Sales Contract in China
Shizuo SokabeOrigin of Jicho, Uneme and Mecho
RyosuKe lshiiTogoku and Saigokt
Kenji MakiEuropeans' Understanding and Interpretations Concerning Japanese Feudalism before the Restoration
Hideo OtakeThe Principle of Conciliation (Naisai) in the Settlement of Water-right Disputes in the Civil Affairs Procedure in the Yedo Period
Masahata KuboIntroduction to the Study of Antoine Loise1.
Masao MitobeAbout the Date of the Foundation of the Kamakura Shogunate.
Hideo HamaguchiNempu-uri in Okukumano
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