Legal Hitory Review vol.38 (1988)
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UEMATSU TadashiThe Appointment of the Local Officials in South China during the Yuan Period1
TSUKIGI TadashiA Reinterpretation of Art. 17 of the T'ang-Lue(so called@c)43
MISAKA YoshihiroOn the Formation of the Judicial System in Modern Japan-The Judicial Reforms in 1876E7761
ORIISHI MasakazuThe Revision of Article 7 of the Prefectural Assembly Regulation-The Formation of "a Constitutional State"in Modern Japan91
MITSUNARI MihoNeuere Entwicklung der Forschung zur alteuropäischen Familie-vornehmlich in Deutschland und Österreich123
Book Reviews165
News and Notes399
Bibliography (1987)1
Summaries of Articles (in Foreign Languages)

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